Tuesday, June 25, 2013

►►► “I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in ’47, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” Harry S Truman (1884-1972) 33rd President of the United States, U.S. Vice President, U.S. Senator◄◄◄

►►► “I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in ’47, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.”  Harry S Truman (1884-1972) 33rd President of the United States, U.S. Vice President, U.S. Senator◄◄◄

CIA recruited and employed many top-level former Nazis War Criminals reports reveal

CIA recruited and employed many top-level former Nazis War Criminals reports reveal


It is better that one Agency (the CIA) be dismantled, dissolved, and justice rendered than that an entire nation be brought down for its crimes against humanity.

The continuous high atrocities of the CIA have become an irreconcilable downfall liability for the nation.  It is better that one Agency (the CIA) be dismantled, dissolved, and justice rendered than that an entire nation be brought down for its crimes against humanity. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It is better that one Agency (the CIA) be dismantled, dissolved, and justice rendered than that an entire country be brought down for its crimes against humanity.

The continuous high atrocities of the CIA have become an irreconcilable downfall liability for the nation.  It is better that one Agency (the CIA) be dismantled, dissolved, and justice rendered than that an entire country be brought down for its crimes against humanity.  The complete dismantling of the CIA and the bringing to swift, severe, and ultimate justice for all CIA criminal perpetrators (especially, Florida CIA and Satanism criminal perpetrators) is one of the first steps needed for the U.S. to survive.  Below are just a few examples of what officials and others are saying about the on-going CIA atrocities:


►The CIA commits extremely serious crimes several hundred times per day or easily over 100,000 per year - From IC21 Report titled "The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century" by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, US House of Representatives


►Ted Gunderson, the 27-year retired FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence and keen insight into the CIA’s involvement in Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the  kidnapping / international trafficking / murder of countless children worldwide.

The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’  This number surpasses the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.  This estimate was determined for the period up to 25 years ago and does not include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present.

►►►Ted Gunderson, the 27-year retired FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence into the CIA’s involvement in Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the kidnapping / international trafficking / murder of countless children worldwide.◄◄◄

►►►Ted Gunderson, the 27-year retired FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence into the CIA’s involvement in Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the kidnapping / international trafficking / murder of countless children worldwide.◄◄◄

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

►►► The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’ This number surpasses the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. This estimate was determined for the period up to 25 years ago and does not include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present. ◄◄◄

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

►►► The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’  This number surpasses the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.  This estimate was determined for the period up to 25 years ago and does not include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present. ◄◄◄

Friday, June 14, 2013

►►►CIA WAGES WAR ON AMERICA: 'An eye-opening expose', the result of 15 years of investigative work, uncovers the CIA's systematic efforts over several decades to suppress and censor information and to manipulate academia, the domestic media and control Congressional oversight. A very informative and important book. (Mackenzie, A. 'SECRETS: THE CIA'S WAR AT HOME', Berkeley, CA) ◄◄◄

►►►CIA WAGES WAR ON AMERICA:  'An eye-opening expose', the result of 15 years of investigative work, uncovers the CIA's systematic efforts over several decades to suppress and censor information and to manipulate academia, the domestic media and control Congressional oversight. A very informative and important book.  (Mackenzie, A. 'SECRETS: THE CIA'S WAR AT HOME', Berkeley, CA) ◄◄◄

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

►►►The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’” This number rivals the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Keep in mind that this estimate was determined a quarter of a century ago (25 years ago) and does not include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present. ◄◄◄

►►►The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. Former State Department official William Blum calls this an ‘American Holocaust.’”  This number rivals the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.  Keep in mind that this estimate was determined a quarter of a century ago (25 years ago) and does not include CIA covert ops killings worldwide from 1987 to present. ◄◄◄

►►►CIA Bribes Karzai: Millions In 'Ghost Money' Paid To Afghanistan President's Office, New York Times Reports◄◄◄

►►►CIA Bribes Karzai: Millions In 'Ghost Money' Paid To Afghanistan President's Office, New York Times Reports◄◄◄


Monday, June 10, 2013

The 9 Harbingers, Part 1

The 9 Harbingers, Part 1


The 9 Harbingers, Part 2

The 9 Harbingers, Part 2
